Uta Szczerba

UTA SZCZERBA – artist, designer, photographer

Uta is a graduate of the Visual Graphics Department of the Kraków Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice in Poland. She worked as a graphic, scene and costume designer for the Gdańsk Television.      

In 1988 she established her own firm “Uta Vogue.”  Uta designs women’s and men’s clothing and accessories sculptured in leather, silk, and lace.  She also paints on silk.  She has participated in many fashion shows.  A standout was the Miss Polonia event and also the 10 years celebration of Solidarity where Uta conceived and presented the fashion show “Marynarka Dwurządowa” held in Old Town Hall in Gdańsk.  

Since 1991 she’s been living in New York working and designing for her firm “Uta Vogue.”  In 1992, her work was featured in the New York Times Style Section.                                                                                  

In 2020, she returned to Poland for a short period of time and experimented with easel painting and other techniques.

In 2005, Uta taught art to public school children as a volunteer in Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador.  From 2006 to 2015, Uta enjoyed volunteering her time in Jerusalem. From 2000 to 20015, Uta organized yearly Easter Breakfast Celebrations under the statue of King Jagiełło in Central Park.   

Uta’s photography shows her zest for life and her appreciation of nature and people.  She has been a member of the Polish-American Photographic Club Since 2005.


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