Zbigniew Sikora’s father was a traveling photographer who, on weekends, would take photos in the surrounding villages. He had a makeshift photography studio set up in half of their living room. The darkroom was in their bathroom, where he placed two boards over the bathtub to serve as a table for the enlarger and trays for developing chemicals. Fortunately, they had a separate room for the toilet. During Zbigniew’s elementary school years, he spent his free time helping his father with the processing of black-and-white photos. This early exposure to photography nurtured his passion for the craft.
After graduating from high school, Zbigniew worked at a large state-owned photography establishment in Rzeszów. While employed there, he passed the exam to become a master photographer with the Guild of Various Crafts in Rzeszów. In 1980, after completing a year of mandatory military service, he opened his own photography studio, “Foto-Venus,” in the center of Przeworsk.
In 1986, seeking to advance his career, Zbigniew moved to the USA with the goal of earning enough money—around $100,000—to purchase a machine for color photo processing. For three years, he worked tirelessly in New York, removing asbestos. Although he didn’t save much money, he successfully obtained a green card, which allowed him to bring his wife and children to New York and start a new life.
After 30 years, Zbigniew retired from professional work, and again has time to devote to his true passion: photography. He has invested in a high-quality digital camera and is once again learning to master the complexities of modern photography, capturing moments for pleasure and posterity.